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If you like someone else while you have a boyfriend it is best if you let your boyfriend go but don't jump into another relationship with someone else right away. Take time for yourself to be single and sort out your feelings and get to know this other person better in the meanwhile - see how it goes. Remember though if you find down the road you made a mistake leaving your boyfriend for someone else the odds are he won't take you back so be wise when you make your choice.

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Q: What if a guy likes you and you like him back but you are another guys girlfriend?
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What if the guy you like likes you back but has a girlfriend?

Just tell him to break up with his girlfriend and you guys can get together

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Well it souds like this guy has issues. I mean if he has a girlfriend then hoe do you know he likes another girl. And have you ever seen her. He could have a fake girlfriend to make other girls jealous. Guys have to feel superior.

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Perhaps he likes you as a friend. Its very normal in alot of guys

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If none of them like you I would suggest moving on and finding someone who likes you back and is not in a reationship.

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because he likes you more if he calls you and still has a girlfriend. (from a guys point of view)!

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im not sure but i think he likes guys

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NICE and non-jealous guys!!!

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yes of course.. most guys are pigs!

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he secretly goes out with the other guys girl

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snogging another boy.