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With permission of the other parent, or the courts.

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Q: What if a step parent is in the army how do you take your children out of state?
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If your parent dies which was remarried does the biological children have any rights over the step parent or step children in regards to his belongings?

It depends if there was a will or not. Step-children have no rights to the estate of a step-parent unless specifically named in the will. If there was no will, the estate is typically divided between the spouse and the children. Check the laws for your state or jurisdiction.

Can a ex step father get custody of his ex step children in the state of Missouri?

Not if the parents are fit. As a step parent you have no legal right to the children but if no one else have them and you have a close relationship with them there is a chance.

Do step-children have a right to a step-parent's life insurance policies?

No. Step-children have no rights or interest regarding a step-parent's life insurance unless they are a named beneficiary on the policy. Step-children have no rights in a step-parents estate unless they are named in the step-parent's Will. In that case a step-parent can leave the proceeds of a life insurance policy to a step-child by their Last Will and Testament.

What do you call children who are related due to their parents marriage but neither have the same biological parent?

In a marriage in which both the husband and the wife have children from a previous marriage, the children are step-children to the parent who is not their bioloigical parent, and are step-siblings (step-brothers and step-sisters) to each other.

Do step parents have legal rights to their step kids if the biological parent is unfit to take care of the kids?

Yes and no. If the biological parent is proven unfit to care for they're children then the step parent has the right to APPLY for custody of his/her step children. Keep in mind that being married to the biological parent doesn't automatically make them the parent of the children nor does it make them they're legal guardian so there are no guarantees that the step parent will be given custody. If the children are happy with the step parent and no one in the biological parents family protest the application and the step parent is proven fit to care for the child(ren) then most usually the courts will award the step parent custody.

As a step parent do you have any rights to an unadopted child?

As a step parent you do not have rights to your partners children unless you adopt them.

Do you have rights as a step parent to see your step child?

Yes or if the child is harmed the step parent can get full custody YOLO

Who gets custody if parent dies and children are with step parent in PA?

The step parent gets control of the kids. If the step parent doesn't want them, any of the relatives of parent that died can take care of them. If nobody wants them then they go to an orphanage until they are 18.

In the state of Wisconsin do step parents have rights to step children if the custodial parents have fifty fifty custody and placement?

A step parent does have some rights, but they are extremely limited. In Wisconsin, step parents do have rights regarding day to day care, BUT their rights are subject to the wishes of the biological parent that they are married to. As regards parental rights, a step parent is not considered a parent, but a legal guardian. In all major decisions (custody) or major events, a step parent does NOT have rights, nor can they contest a parent's rights in court unless they can prove a danger to the child would occur. In fact, a step parent who interfears with a biological parent's rights in any way can be held in Contempt for doing so. In ALL matters regarding the children, the rights of the step parent is ALWAYS trumped by either biological parent, unless a judge interseeds. In joint custody arrangements, both parents have equal rights, no one parent is above the other, no matter who has the children more, and a step parent cannot be a tie-breaker unless both parents agree. Only a judge, federal law, or state law can overrule or remove a biological parent's rights. The bottom line is the rights of a step parent in Wisconsin are VERY limited and are always subject to the biological parents.

Can a 16 year old choose to live with a step parent rather than a birth parent in the state of Missouri?

No he can not. A step parent have no legal right to the step children. This could only happen if the parents consent to it. A minor can not choose but the court will hear their opinion at 16. They might not follow it though.

When did Washington revise the law which no longer required step parents to pay child support after they had divorced the biological parent?

There is no such law. The only way a step parent could be obligated for child support in such a situation is if he or she had legally adopted the minor child/children. The Washington State law applies only to a step parent paying support until the final dissolution decree is rendered. Once the divorce is final, the step parent has no further legal financial obligation to non biological children.

When a parent dies and a step parent is living in the home what rights do the step children have if any to get their parent's property?

Generally, a step-child has no inheritance rights unless they were legally adopted by the decedent. You should consult with the attorney who is handling the estate or with an attorney who specializes in probate in your particular jurisdiction if you think you may have any claim.