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Set the people who think that straight and during your burst of confidence tell your crush you like her.this is what i would want and im a girl.

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Q: What if people think I like a girl that's friends with a girl I like?
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If you like a girl but your friends will tease you if you go out with her what do you do?

Its your own life do not think about what other people think.

What is wrong with being friends with the same gender?

There is nothing wrong with being friends with the same gender, if you were a girl and you were friends with a girl that is normal i have like 20 friends that are girls and I'm a girl or if you were a boy and u had a friend that was a boy that would be normal too.BUT if you were a girl that was friends with a boy some people would think that you were in love or going out or seeing each other but if you can somehow prove to the people that think this that you are ONLY friends I would think they'd understand.thanks,Samantha!

What do you do if you like grade seven girl and what if everyone else think shes ugly except for my best friend and what if my friends think im weird for liking that girl?

well im gonna give the simple answer that you may get from a lot of people but it doesn't matter what other people think... and if you think going out with her will effect your realashinships with your friends than you may want to think is this one girl worth going though the trouble with your friends?

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one of them is florence henderson thats a girl ;From,unonamous

How you be Princeton girlfriend?

well you have to become friends first! but you have to atleast be pretty to him. but he want a nice girl thats SUPER mindless and has a great smile . and he said that he would like a girl with dimples but i think he would go for a girl without them if he likes her.

How can you be Princeton girlfriend?

well you have to become friends first! but you have to atleast be pretty to him. but he want a nice girl thats SUPER mindless and has a great smile . and he said that he would like a girl with dimples but i think he would go for a girl without them if he likes her.

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She started out as a normal girl that wanted to Sitemodel but people started taking her pictures. I think thats why she deleted her facebook.

Is it cheating if a girl asks your man to go shopping?

No Not Really,They May Just Be Friends,Thats All.

If a girls friends dont like you and you think the girl might what do you do?

be friends with girl and not her friends friend or you could try and make her friends like you more. If that doesn't work, just don't worry about it, if the girl really likes you, it won't matter what her friends think. Hope this helps!

Who says guys and girl cant be friends?

hormones n the fact of our different parts I have guy and girl friends. I think you can still be friends with them

You like this girl who your friends think is a loser how can you find out if she likes you without your friends find out or make it too obvious?

I would suggest inlisting the help of your friends. if they are real friends, they will help you get with this girl. they may freak out at first when you tell them, but if they are your real friends, they will understand and help you. if they make fun of you, then pursue her anyway. you shouldn't care what other people think of your likings and such. you should like who ever you want to, regardless of what they think.

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because if you stay quiet people think your werid trust me girl it happen to me before