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Depending on the type of mutation, this could be harmless, or it could be harmful and even lethal.

For example, a point mutation changes one base in a codon. Since most amino acids have more than one codon, this mutation may still code for the same amino acid. For example, both TTT and TTC codons code for the amino acid phenylalanine, so if TTT was mutated to TTC, the mutation would have no effect.

However, in sickle cell anemia, a life-threatening genetic disorder, is also caused by a point mutation, in which the codon CTC is mutated to CAC. The codon CTC codes for the amino acid glutamine, and CAC codes for the amino acid valine. This change in just one codon causes the hemoglobin molecule to have an altered structure, which causes the red blood cells carrying the mutated hemoglobin molecule to be stiff and have a concave (sickle) shape. The sickle-shaped cells clog blood vessels and do not transport oxygen effectively, which causes pain and damage to the organs, shortening the lifespan by about 30 years. A person must inherit the mutated gene from both parents in order to be affected.


There are other types of mutations, such as frameshift mutations, and chromosomal mutations that can negatively impact the affected organism.

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