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Answer If the mother isn't in the picture as you say and he's single, how can you see that as cheating, who is he cheating on?

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Q: What if the man is a single dad of 3 kids Mother of kids not in the picture how would your know if he's cheating?
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Well 1st You PLAY the Game In Stead Of Cheating Your Mother Would be Ashamed to have a no good dirty rotten cheating stealing daughter/son

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This is a really hard thing to deal with and allow me to express my sorrow for your family. if i were in your position i would be finding a way to get the cheating father and your mother divirced and away from each other. and my father cheated on my mother at one point and they got divorced but i still get to see my dad and everything, but if you and your family are sick of him i would get them divorced and get him out the house.

What do you do if your mom is cheating on your father?

Cheating Mom! Of course, I would have liked to know how old you are! But, if you are a teenager, I would suggest that you talk to your mother. Say for example that "I know that you are seeing someone, mother" - be prepaired to tell her the details about how you came to know - "and it hurts me." You may continue. "I love dad! But I'm not going to tell him. Still, mother, I would prefer if you would not put me in the middle of this thing." This is about the best you can do. Hopefully your mother will listen. But should she not, if I were you, I would stay out of this situation. Adults have odd and surprising ways of getting you involved in their affairs. Hopefully, in your adult life, you'll find someone with whom you can establish a better relationship.

Is there any site where you can post the picture of your cheating girlfriend?

Yes, but why would you want to do that? Even though she has hurt you, there's really no need for you to retaliate in such a similarly mean fashion.

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