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If you took the pill but late its absolutely okay. If you missed a day then make sure you take two the next day but dont have sex if you didnt take the pill.

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Q: What if you didn't take the pill at the right time but took it later on in the day?
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Im due to take the sugar pill today will i still get my period if im pregnant.i have been on the pill since my last period and didnt use protection the whole time.?

Check with the doctor or clinic which prescribed the pill for you. If you fail to use protection, you can expect to become pregnant sooner or later.

Is it bad to take the pill later than the previous day?

Providing you take one pill every day then its ok.

What happens if your periods are due but didnt come so i took my pill that day anyway?

It sounds like you did the right thing; you should take your pills as scheduled regardless of any bleeding.

When do you take your first pill of the second cycle?

Right after you take the last pill of the first cycle, regardless of bleeding. Once you're on the pill, you just take the pills daily according to schedule.

How do you know you are pregnant when you are on the pill and you have been taking them all the times you have to take them how can you get pregnant?

i think that if you get pregnant on the pill that you must not of taked them when you are soposed to or the pill didnt work if you think you are pregnant while you are on the pill you may of missed a time where you might of forgoten to take it or if not the pill may not haved work just go and get a pregnancy test to make sure.

If a boy ejaculates in you 3 times in a day but you take your pill like 3 hours later is there a better chance of getting pregnant?

yes you should take your pill earlier

Do you take it every day?

That's right, take one pill per day.

Most medical trials administer a drug to a group of people suffering from an illines are administred a sugar pill Why is one group given a sugar pill?

the group given the sugar pill is the base, they will not have any changes or reactions to the pill scicnce they didnt take it, so they can compare the side affects of the pills between the people who took the pill and those who didnt.

Is it okay if you accidentally take Thursdays pink pill on Wednesday then go back and take Wednesdays pill on Thursday and continue on regular schedule by taking Fridays pill on Friday?

You did just the right thing.

Can you get pregnant if you skip a pill and take it later when you realize you skipped it?

No, you are OK and you would have to skip a lot more to have a pregnancy worry. Take your pill the same time every morning and you won't have to worry about it.

Can you take the pill right before sex and it not get me pregnant?

No, it most likely will not work.

If you take a pill 6 hours early by mistake is it okay to take the next pill at your regularly scheduled time the next day or will doing so have the same effect as missing a pill?

This is fine. It wont have the effect of missing the pill because you didnt miss a pill, you just took one pill 6 hours earlier than usual for you. Try to stay nearer the time for your medication but you are protected still against pregnancy.