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Smoking is not recommended under any circumstances.

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Q: What if you have a hole where your wisdom teeth where taken out how long should you wait to smoke?
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Related questions

Should wisdom teeth always come out?

No. Wisdom teeth should only be taken out if they are a problem.

Should you Smoke pot with surgery on your wisdom teeth?

Maybe my answer is more of an opinion, but NO, you should not smoke pot, At All... However, if you do smoke anything, to avoid getting dry sockets, you should not after having surgery on your wisdom teeth, at least not within 48 to 72 hours.

When is it ok to smoke anything after having 2 bottom wisdom teeth pulled?

5 - 10 days after being taken out.

After wisdom teeth removal when is it safe to play football?

You should wait 2 weeks after getting your wisdom teeth taken out to safely play football. You should wait longer if this procedure had complications.

What if you waited 4 days to smoke after having 4 wisdom teeth out can you still get dry socket?

Yes you will get a dry socket you should wait about a week to a week and a half before you smoke

Can you smoke after teeth get taken out of your gum?

Only if your stupid.

How old were you when you got your wisdom teeth taken out if you did?

12 yrs. old

Did they weigh you before you had your wisdom teeth taken out?

I can't remember. :p

I got my wisdom teeth out nine days ago is it safe to smoke?

It is never safe to smoke ! Each cigarette is a nail in your coffin !

Is okay to smoke around 1 to 4 cigaretts 10 hours after you have your wisdom teeth removed?


Does body jewelry have to be taken out for wisdom teeth extractions?

No. Unless you have a tongue piercing.

What happens if you smoke marijuana after getting your wisdom teeth removed?

Yes you can. The Doctors recommend waiting 48 hours AT LEAST. And then when you do decide to smoke, take small hits and put a gauze in over your holes to keep from getting dry socket.