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the adult might eat the baby :/

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Q: What if you want to put an adult rat and a baby rat in the same cage?
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No you cannot house 2 adult corn snakes in one cage if you want to know why you can try it but I advise you do not.

There is 2 female hamsters at the pet store and I want both of them Can I keep them in the same cage?

No because if you put them in the same cage they will fight with each other. It is best if you keep one in each cage. Unless they are dwarf hamsters. Than you can put them in the same cage.

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if she keeps the baby out of her house it probably means she doesn't want it. so you have to keep the baby in its own small cage and keep it warm cos if it stays in the cage with its mother the mother will eat it.

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keep them separated in less you want a house full of rabbits.

Can you have more than one hamster per cage?

Sure but make sure that they both have enough room to move around freely and play and unless you want baby hamsters make sure they are the same sex

Can an adult still use Johnson's Baby Shampoo orange classic solution?

Yes, if they want to.

Can you keep ladybugs and crickets together or in the same cage?

you can't keep crickets in the same cage but ladybugs you can. if you don't want your crickets hoppin on your ladies. DONT PUT THEM TOGETHER No ,crickets cant live in the same cage cause they will mate and there will be something called a crick bug,or a lady crick.

Is there any way two adult female mice that don't know each other can get along if they are in the same cage?

Yes, female mices can get along once they get used to each other. Introduce the mice outside the cage first and see how they get on. If they don't fight try this: clean the cage you are going to put them in very well (to get all the 'mouse' smell off it) and then put the female mice in the cage together at the same time. As this cage has been cleaned it should be neutral territory and therefore the female mice should not fight. If they do fight you might want to consider houseing them in different cages.

Can a mouse and a hamster be put into the same cage together?

if u want them to kill each other yes

When you wear a baby diaper will you turn into one?

Turn into a baby diaper?! No that's silly. Turn into a baby? That's just as silly. If you need to wear a baby diaper, then you need to wear a baby diaper. If you want to wear a baby diaper, go for it if it fits. Maybe you should think about adult diapers, then you might turn into an adult (lol).