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Q: What if your number is a multiple of 75 your number has three digits your number is a multiple of 100?
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Is a number a multiple of 4 of its last two digits are divisible by 4?

Yes If a numbers last two digits (assuming that it has at least two) is a multiple of 4, the whole number is also a multiple of 4. If the last two digits are 00 (assuming in this case it has at least three digits), the number is also a multiple of 4. For example, 100 and 200 are multiples of 4.

What number is less then 100 a multiple of 3 a multiple of 5 the sum of the digits are odd and an odd number?


What is the rule to determine if a number is divisible by 12?

That the number is divisible by 4* and the sum of its digits is a multiple of 3. *If the number has three of more digits then it is only necessary to look at the tens and units to determine if it is divisible by 4, as 4 is a factor of 100 and therefore of any multiple of 100. Examples : 75 : is not divisible by 4 although its digits total 12 which is a multiple of 3. 132 : is divisible by 4 as 32 is divisible by 4, and its digits total 6 which is divisible by 3, then 132 is divisible by 12.

What number is below 100 and is in the 100's and is three digits?

-100 all the way to -999

What is divisibility test for 4?

If the last 2 digits are divisible by 4, then the entire number is divisible by 4. The reason this works is related to the fact that 100 is a multiple of 4.If the last 2 digits are divisible by 4, then the entire number is divisible by 4. The reason this works is related to the fact that 100 is a multiple of 4.If the last 2 digits are divisible by 4, then the entire number is divisible by 4. The reason this works is related to the fact that 100 is a multiple of 4.If the last 2 digits are divisible by 4, then the entire number is divisible by 4. The reason this works is related to the fact that 100 is a multiple of 4.

What three digit number is the sum of the cubes of its three digits?

100 10^3

Can 100 different digits make 100 multiplied by 100 equal 10000 different three digits palindromes?

Yes. But that is true only if the 100 digits do not include 0. Or, if 0 is included, then you consider "0n0" to be a three digit number. Most people would consider is to be a 2-digit number.

How many whole numbers have exactly three digits how did you find that out and tell me why that's the answer?

Assuming that 001, 080, etc are not allowed (that is a leading zero or two is not permitted), the smallest number with exactly three digits is 100. The largest number with exactly three digits is 999. So there are 999 - 100 + 1 = 900 numbers with exactly three digits.

How many digit has 100?

100 is a 3 digit number.

When a three digit number has the same three numbers is it divisible by 11?

No. (Assuming a three digit number is in the range 100-999 and excludes leading zeros, that is 080 does not count as it is really 80 which is a two digit number) To be divisible by 11, the difference in the sums of the alternate digits of the number must be divisible by 11 (or 0). For a three digit number, this means that the sum of the first and last digits less the second digit must be a multiple of 11 (or 0). For a three digit number with all the digits the same, this calculation results in the value of one of the digits (eg 333 → 3 + 3 - 3 = 3) which will not be 0, and cannot be a multiple of 11 as a single digit is less than or equal to 9 which is less than 11 and thus not a multiple of 11.

How can you get 100 by pressing 3 buttons in normal calculator?

By pressing the three digits that make up the number 100.

What is a two digit composite number One of your digits is worth three times as much as the other digits Double you is less than 100 you are not divisible by three What are you?

it is 10