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There are a couple of reasons that your hatchling may not be eating. One is if he doesn't have the proper heat and light. RES turtles must have UVA and UVB light in order to digest food. Without it, they will eventually die. They must have heat as well.

If you have the proper heating and lighting for their tank, the problem is probably the food itself. Try "Reptomin Floating Food Sticks" for aquatic turtles, found in most pet stores and "Wal-Mart".

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Q: What if your red ear slider turtle is 1 inch long he wont eat its pellets?
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Can you put a frog in with your red eared slider and your yellow belly turtles?

First of all, a 10 gallon tank is too small for a turtle, let alone a turtle AND a frog! The proper rule of thumb for aquatic turtles is 10 gallons for every inch of turtle... if you have a 4 inch long turtle, you need at least 40 gallons of water. And second of all, putting a frog with a slider of any age will mean a fed turtle. The turtle WILL eat the frog. Don't try it.

Is it unhealthy for a fish to eat turtle pellets?

For long term, yes. Turtle pellets are for turtles. Research your fish and their nutrition requirements thoroughly.

Should you give a red eared slider turtle a lot of water or not?

A lot of water; 10 gallons of water per 1 inch of shell. So if the turtle is 8" long it should have at least 80 gallons of water.

What is a red eared turtle?

A red eared slider turtle is a turtle that has red ears on its side and really long claws, he or she's shell is a dark green color and has a a long tail. A red eared slider turtle is a turtle that has red ears on its side and really long claws, he or she's shell is a dark green color and has a a long tail. bbgfffhftdeeesertdjkbvgddr56typij;tdfse57uvob biydcr5seivu

How big are turtle eggs?

They are 1 inch long

Do all red-ear slider turtles eat fish?

Yes. The most common fish a Red Eared Slider will eat is Commet Goldfish. Red eared sliders will eat fish, but fish are full of worms and parasites which will contaminate your filter. For an indoor slider I suggest only pellets and veggies. Plus they eat parts of the fish and the rest you would have to clean out right away. My slider loves just his pellets, he snubs romaine lettuce and any other veggie I have tried. Ice berg lettuce is not good for sliders either. I have a 4 year old slider that is 5 inches long he is in a 40 gallon tank alone.

Can red eared sliders be only 17 inches?

A 17-inch red-eared slider would probably hold the Guinness World Record for biggest red-eared slider turtle. A very large adult red-eared slider is a little over a foot long from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail, with a shell around 8 to 9 inches long. A more average size (especially for males, which are generally smaller) is around 9 to 10 inches from nose to tail, with a 6 to 7 inch shell.

Will a baby red eared slider turtle swim to get air when it needs to?

yes, they can hold there breath for a long time

What are the diffences between male and female slider turtles?

male turtles usually have a slight indent on the stomach shell to enable tem to mount the female more easlyA female turtle does not have a tail in the back, but a male turtle does have a tail in the back. Below: THIS IS FOR RED SLIDER TURTLES ONLYA FEMALE SLIDER WILL HAVE A SHORTER TAIL AND CLAWS. AMALE WILL HAVE LONG CLAWS AND TAIL.

What kind of turtle has yellow strip head and red stripe feet and plain yellow belly?

this type of turtle is called a soft back turtle. it is about 3 to 5 inches long including tale and is usually kept as a pet. O.k that other person up there is wrong..This is a red bellied turtle.Or a mix of a red bellied turtle and a red eared slider..So there is the correct answer :D

How long does a turtle live?

Some tortoises have been known to live over 100 years but the average turtle lives about 30 (red eared slider) to 80 (sea turtles and box turtles).

How long should you keep a red-eared slider turtle in water?

They should have access to a source of water as well as a place to get out of the water at all times.