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They made a language called Swahili.

Its a mix of African language and Arabic

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Q: What impact did interaction with Arab traders have on East African societies?
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What impact with interaction with Arab traders have on east African societies?

They made a language called Swahili. Its a mix of African language and Arabic

How did slavery impact the west Africa societies?

The West African societies were very much afraid of the slave traders that came to their homeland. There was much fear and hiding whenever the slave traders were around. The people had to go into hiding to survive.

How did Europeans actions during world war 1 impact African societies?

They reduced the available labor force in African villages.

What is the economic impact of the Arabic slave trade?

The economic impact of the Arabic slave trade was significant. Africa experienced a depletion of its population and labor force, resulting in economic and social consequences. The slave trade disrupted African societies and economies, hindering their development and contributing to long-term underdevelopment. The influx of wealth from the trade mainly benefited the Arab slave traders and those who profited from it in the Middle East.

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\ By the 1850's and 60's legitimate African traders, flanked by western- educated African lawyers, teachers and journalists, formed an emerging middle class in the coastal towns of West Africa.

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It had a major impact on many societies by causing the end of the second world war and bringing all the troops home. Its impact on the societies of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was arguably even greater than that.

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It created cultural diffusion.

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i dont know... hahahha

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What impact did the slave trade have on African society?

The slave trade brought ruin to West Africa. As traders captured slaves for the Americas, entire villages disappeared. Firearms and alcohol spread across the continent. Tribes turned against other tribes as the once-fabled empires faded into history.The old African Empires crumbled due to warring.Fighting between Africans destroyed societies.

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population moved from rural areas into cities.