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The black death wiped out huge swaths of the European population. As a result the supply of workers was low. When supply is low and demand is high, prices go up. Demand was also diminished (fewer mouths to feed) but not so much as supply, as certain sectors of the population were harder hit, especially the poor- i.e. peasants and serfs. As a result, surviving workers were able to charge more for the services. In the long term, the black death spelled the end of serfdom and paved the way for a stronger and larger middle class.

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Q: Did the black plague lead to labor shortages?
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It eventually led to the creation of the Headright System in 1618, which was an attempt to eliminate the overwhelming labor shortages in the colonies, particularly in the South.

What was the impact of the black death on Europe in the midle of the 14th century?

So many deaths caused by the Black Death, Bubonic Plague, lead to a lack of labor and an increase of rebellion, both sexually and literally. People were likely to rebel for higher wages. After the plague finally died out Europe was set up to make great technological advances.

What was it like living during the Black Death?

the housing conditions were filthy and dirty, the poor people rarley had clean water because the houses were so crowded

What did black death lead to?

Lead to? The Black Death (bubonic plague) led to death in a very large percentage of cases. Death is the final sayonara. What it "leads to" is an area for spiritual conjecture.

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nick eash is lead and bass guitar

Good thing that happen because of the black death?

It took a long time, but the loss of population in Europe caused by the Black Death lead to a labor shortage, a greater interest in labor saving devices, and eventually to the Industrial Revolution.

What can cause shortages or surpluses of goods and services?

over production can lead to a surplus of goods and/or services, and shortages can occur when demand for a product exceeds the productions of said product

Can lead to groundwater shortages?

Droughts,climate change,overuse, andpollution from factories, landfills and fracking.

What can lead to groundwater shortages?

Droughts,climate change,overuse, andpollution from factories, landfills and fracking.

How did the plague help feudalism?

The "Black Death" (the Bubonic plague) put a premium on well bodied, able servants (the serfs). It's hard to maintain such a feudal system when thousands were dying every day across the continent, including soldiers and nobles. A plague free serf or servant was a highly desirable commodity. They began to be offered more for their work and labor. If the master didn't provide it, there were other lords willing to pay for their services. If anything, it began to improve the serf's and servant's lot in life.

Why was important for the vicar not to get the black plague?

A few reasons. During that time religion was everything. The vicar was one of the most important people in a village. If he died then there would be nobody to lead mass or bless the dead. However the most important reason was people thought the Black Plague was an act of god and the end of days. If the priest dies from the plague it would cause additional fear, lawlessness, and panic. So they tended to protect the Vicars.