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Q: What impact does genetics have on one's intelligence?
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The intelligence of any person is a result of their genetics, upbringing, and education.

How did gregor Mendel's impact the world on genetics?

he pead on the plants to fertilize them

Are gay people unintelligent?

No; sexual orientation has no impact on intelligence.

Can you be born smart?

Yes, your innate smartness is something you are borne with. However, an education is needed to bring out this intelligence.

What nationality is the smartest?

There is no definitive answer to this question, as intelligence cannot be determined by nationality. Intelligence is a complex mix of genetics, environment, and individual potential. People from all nationalities can be smart or possess various types of intelligence. It is important to avoid generalizations and stereotypes when discussing intelligence.

What happens if your neopet is smart?

Your pet's intelligence mostly doesn't impact anything, but there are a few special battledome weapons that require a minimum level of intelligence to use.

How genetics and environment influence the quality of a person's well-being?

Genetics give the person the tendency for various diseases or disorders. The environment can have an impact on turning on those genetics. One example of this is a person with a predisposition for cancer. The environment can increase or decrease their probability of getting cancer.

What natural laws did Gregor Mendel investigate?

He investigated the laws of heritage; how the genes for certain characteristics was inherited by the next generation and the ones after. It's called classic genetics or Mendelian genetics.

Give me an example of behavioral genetics?

Behavioral genetics studies what role genetics plays in both animal and human behavior. This is different, though somewhat a part of, genetics which studies heredity. Behavior geneticists only look at behavioral traits that may be passed to offspring and often deal with studies related to ethology and psychology rather than inheritance of all characteristics as in genetics.