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Hitler, as you know, commited suicide when he rule over most of Europe was over. Besides the impact that the aftermath of the Holocaust had on the world, his terror was over.

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Q: What impacts did Hitler and Stalin have on the world during and after World War 2?
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What leaders during World War 2 were dead at the end of the war?

Stalin Hitler

Who attempted genocide during world warr 2?

Hitler and Stalin both attempted genocides during World War II, but Hitler's genocides are more well-known.

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Joseph Stalin

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Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin

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Churchill, Hirohito, Hitler, Mussolini, Roosevelt, Stalin.

Who were totalitarian leaders during World War 2?

benito musolini adolf hitler josef stalin

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Hitler and Stalin invaded Poland and sparked World War 2.

Why a lot of people died during World War 2?

Because of Hitler and Joseph Stalin's genocide in wwII.

What territory did Hitler and Joseph Stalin agree to divide?

Stalin and Hitler agreed on dividing Poland in the beginning of the second world war, and then Stalin was betrayed by Hitler, and they became enemies.

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although Stalin had a none aggression pact with Hitler, Hitler attached the Soviet Union causing Stalin to side with the allies...........................

How did stalin start World War 2?

He didnt Hitler did

Who are the major dictators of world?

Stalin and Hitler