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They had to adapt to the conditions of the place that they moved to, because they were nomadic at the time.

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that hey know how do plant and hunted

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Q: What important skills did people skills did people of the old stone age use to find food?
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What skills did the old stone age people use to find food?

they used walking skills

What important skills did hominids of the stone age used to find food?

the skills that people of the old stone age used to find food is that they hunted by watering hole's animal may have been wounded by spears and then lured into hidden pits and killed. Some evidence suggest that hunters would herd animals until they were forced over bluffs, falling to their deaths.

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hunting and gathering

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How do stone age people find there food?

By huting

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No one helped me on this question so FIND IT YOURSELF YOU LAZY PEOPLE.

What important skills did hominids of the old age used to find food?

By eating

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The skills needed for matching depend on the position that is being sought out. It is important for employees to find jobs that match their potential.

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The skills needed for matching depend on the position that is being sought out. It is important for employees to find jobs that match their potential.

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Explain the skills and knowledge of early man?

The most important skills of the earliest humans was to think a problem or situation through, find solutions and work jointly to accomplish a goal. People make discoveries and invent things, and this knowledge is passed on and built upon.

Why did people move to new areas during the Stone Age?

to find better food