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Axe makes many products so I can only speak about the body sprays. My wife does not have Allergies to most sprays and soaps, but just traces of Axe body spray sent her to the emergency room with head-to-toe hives, swelling and breathing issues.

The source was a mystery doctors and to us, and even eluded a full allergy scratch test. My teenagers had some Axe as a gift and the residual on their clothes got her. I figured it out a few weeks later and we tested by putting a tiny swab of Axe on one wrist and another swab of "control" perfume next to it. The Axe spot swelled up within a minute and so she washed it all off and we threw all the Axe stuff away. They use other body sprays / perfumes (not Axe) and they are all fine.

She now notices early signs of allergy when she goes to the Axe loaded perfume isle of the "superstores" and sometimes if she spends any time at our kids' schools. If she takes a benedryl soon after, she's ok.

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10y ago

Axe body spray is made up of a variety of ingredients. There is no way to know which ingredient caused an allergic reaction without being medically tested.

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