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The Fugitive Slave Act was a law enacted in 1850 that required all escaped slaves to be returned to their masters. The individuals that supported this law were the slave owners and the police of the northern states.

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Q: What individuals would most likely support the Fugitive Slave Act?
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Which of individuals would most likely support the fugitive slave act?

John c. Calhoun

What laws punished northerners who assisted escaped slaves?

fugitive slave lawsThe Fugitive Act

What part of the Compromise of 1850 was most unpopular in the North?

The Fugitive Slave Law. This caused Harriet Beecher Stowe to write 'Uncle Tom's Cabin', which drew slavery to the attention of large numbers who had not taken much interest in it before.

What made it a federal crime to asist a runaway slave?

Fugitive Slave law (ACT)

When was fugitive slave law passed?

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Did anti-slavery advocates support the fugitive salve act?

To the contrary, Anti-Slavery advocates vehemently opposed the Fugitive Slave Act. It allowed slave hunters to take runaway slaves back to the South from anywhere in the country.

What part was the most controversial of the compromise of 1850?

The Fugitive Slave Law

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The fugitive slave clause was part of the Articles of Confederation.

Did John C Calhoun support the fugitive slave act?

yes, he stood up for slaves. he said this in speeches...

Why was the Compromise of 1850 proslavery?

Because it included the Fugitive Slave Act, which forced ordinary citizens to report anyone who looked as though they might be a runaway slave. This was meant to provide moral support for slave-owners, in exchange for allowing California to enter the Union as free soil.