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As far as I know, none.

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Who first described the formation of an atoll?

Charles Darwin

What scientists DID NOT influence Darwin's theory of natural selection?

Darwin read the book Lamarck wrote and said that he did not get one idea from it as it was ludicrous in content. So, Lamarck would be the one scientist that did not influence Darwin according to Darwin.

Atoll formation was first extensively studied by who?

Charles Darwin

What influence did speciation have on Darwin's development of Natural Selection?

The influence of providing an explanatory mechanism for what was obvious to Darwin; species arose and species went extinct.

How did Charles Darwin influence Gregor Mendel?

He did not influence Darwin and Darwin did not know who he was. Darwin's ' blending theory of inheritance ' was wrong and though Darwin did not particularly like the theory he could think of nothing better to explain inheritance. There is a legend that Darwin had a copy of Mendel's work in his desk but could not read it because it was in German. Just a legend, though.

What factor did not influence Darwin's theory?

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How did Darwin influence modern views of evolution?

how has Charles Darwin influenced people about modern views of evolution

How did lyell's principles of influence Darwin?

organisms change over time

Which location had the most influence on Darwin's theory of evolution?

The Galapagos Islands.

How does Jean-Baptiste Lamarck influence Charles Darwin theory?

The Beagle

What was Charles Darwin's' book about worms called?

The formation of vegetable mould through the action of worms

Did Darwin's theory of evolution influence Enlightenment?

As Charles Darwin published "The Origin of Species" in 1859 and the Enlightenment took place in the 18th century, the answer is no.