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action potational. volage change, threshold etc

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Q: What are the factors involved in the transmission of a nerve impulse?
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Related questions

What is the difference between synaptic and nerve impulse transmission?

Synaptic transmission is chemical, while nerve impulse or axonal transmission is electrical.

What is the difference in transmission between myelinated and unmyelinated fibers?

Impulse transmission on an unmyelinated nerve fiber is much slower than the impulse transmission on a myelinated nerve fiber.

What is nerve impulse transmission?

An action potention.

Is the impulse transmission for the spinal nerve sensory or motor?


What is responsible for transmission of nerve impulse across a synapse?

NEUROTRANSMITTER is responsible for transmission of nerve impulses.Eg.dopamine,acetylcholine etc.

What is the use of sodium in diclofenac sodium?

It is used for transmission of nerve impulse

What is the range for nerve impulse transmission through the human body?

over 9000

Why does a reflex nerve pathway move faster than a normal nerve transmission?

Reflex nerve pathway is a monosynaptic transmission. There are no interneurons involved. Only the limb that carries the afferent nerve impulse from the stimulus and the efferent motor function for the reflex involved. That is why it is faster. Normal nerve transmission require an interpretation of the impulse by the brain whereas reflex pathways do not. Another reason is because most reflexes from the exteroreceptors travel along myelinated axons (white matter) which carry the impulse faster than other neurons that have unmyelinated axons (grey matter).

You could locate sites involved in transmitting a nerve impulse by finding the?

You could locate sites involved in transmitting a nerve impulse by finding the synapses. They are defined as a junction between two nerve cells, consisting of a minute gap across which impulses pass by diffusion of a neurotransmitter.

What is quicker a nerve impulse or a hormone?

nerve impulse

Where does a nerve impulse start?

A nerve impulse starts at the dendrite

Which travels quicker through the body a nerve impulse or a hormons?

a nerve impulse