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The movement of a bacteria can be seen on a wet mount. This movement can not be seen in a stained preparation.

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Q: What info can you observe on a wet mount that cannot be seen on a stained preparation?
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Advantages of the wet-mount preparation?

Cells remain moist in a wet mount, allowing you to see the cell components clearly. Specimens appear in their natural condition. It is possible to observe living and moving organisms. It is also possible to observe certain processes of life, such as feeding and cell division (for water-based mounts).

Why microorganisms hard to see in wet preparation?

In a wet mount the microorganisms are hard to see because they blend in with their surroundings or the liquid they are grown in. An example of this would be in a hay broth where the water is cloudy and the microorganisms are transparent. However, if the microorganisms are being viewed as a stained preparation they will stand out and you will be able to see their size and shape much easier.

What is the value of a wet mount preparation?

Wet mount preparation allows viewing of live and motile microorganisms which would be otherwise killed due to harsh staining procedures

What Advantages of staining cells?

you could dry out the cell under the light, which will make them no longer viable. So if you want to study living cells, wet mounts are necessary.

Why a smear preparation is preferred compare to a wet mount?

bcoz a heat-fix smear have a good contrast than the wet mount

What specimen preparation is best for viewing cell motility?

hanging drop

Can a neutered cat mount another cat?

He can mount a tom or queen, and he can penetrate said cat, but cannot ejaculate , therefore cannot fertilise eggs

Aside from motility what facts learned from hanging drop preparation?

The hanging drop preparation can study the motility over a longer period of time, but it is more difficult to examine than a wet mount. Wet mount is preferable to a hanging drop slide when using phase contrast optics.

A well stained leaf peel mount when observed under the high power of a microscope shows nuclei in?

guard cells,epidrmal cells and stoma

Do you need more or less light with a wet mount vs a stained?

You need less light with a wet mount and more light with a stianed one. Barcteria, cells, etc. are almost always transparent. If you increase light in an unstained mount it will bleach out whatever it is youa re looking at.

What advantages does hanging drop preparation have over a wet mount preparation?

Hanging drop slide is more resistant to evaporation because of the concave depression of the slide placed over the cells along with the petroleum jelly prevents drying. Wet mounts can dry out fairly quickly.

Why would a wet mount be used?

The benefit of a wet mount is that you can view the specimen in its natural environment without killing it. If you do a wet mount you can get proper air around the microbes to view them for a while before they possibly die. If you do a hanging wet mount you have the capability to see them moving in an aerated manner.