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What inner planet has the shortest year

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Q: What innner planet has the shortest year?
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What planet has the shortest year out of mercury or earth?

Mercury has the shortest year. It's year is about 88 Earth days.

What planet in our solar system has the shortest year?

Mercury has the shortest year, lasting 88 Earth days.

Which planet has the second shortest year?

Mercury is the planet that has the shortest year. This is because it is the nearest planet to the sun. It only takes 88 Earth days for Mercury to complete one orbit.

What planet has the shortest year out of inner planets?

Mercury has the shortest year. One year on Mercury is 88 Earth days.

What planet has the shortest year and planet with the longest year?

The real "planet" with the longest year is Neptune It takes 165 Earth Years. Mercury has the shortest year. It is closest to the Sun and therefore the Suns gravity acts upon it with more strength

Which planet in your solar system has the shortest year?


What planet has the shortest year out of all inner planets?

Mercury has the shortest year. One year on Mercury is 88 Earth days.

Why is Mercury's planet nickname the swift planet?

Because it has the shortest year, as it is the closest planet ot the sun.

Which planet after Mercury has the shortest year?

Venus, it's the next planet out from the sun after mercury.

Which planet has the shortest year revolution around the sun?

Since Mercury is the closest planet, it travels around the sun in the shortest amount of time. A year on Mercury equals 88 days.

What is the shortest year to longest year?

Neptune has the longest year( Pluto would be but it isn't a planet) Mercury has the shortest year(1 year=88 earth days)

What is between the innner and outer planets?

The Asteroid Belt, which includes the dwarf planet Ceres.