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Est-ce que ça vous plaît? in French means "Does that please you?" or "Are you happy with that?" in English.

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Q: What is 'Est-ce que ça vous plaît' when translated from French to English?
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What is 'my favorite food' when translated from English to French?

"My favorite food" in English is mon plat préféré in French.

What is 'plat préféré' when translated from French to English?

"Favorite dish" is an English equivalent of the French phrase plat préféré. The masculine singular phrase also translates as "preferred course (plate, platter)" according to English contexts. The pronunciation will be "pla prey-fey-rey" in French.

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Plate translated to french?

une assiette, un plat

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"A dish of the day in France" is an English equivalent of the incomplete French phrase un plat du jour en France. The phrase also translates as "one dish of the day in France" in English. The pronunciation will be "eh pla dyoo zhoor aw Frawss" in Alsatian and Cevenol French.

What is 'Quel est le plat du jour' when translated from French to English?

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What is the French 'Rpondez s'il vous plat' in English?

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What is 'still water' when translated from English to French?

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What is 'favorite food' when translated from English to French?

Plat préféré is a French equivalent of the incomplete English phrase "favorite food." The feminine singular phrase also translates literally as "preferred course," "preferred dish," "preferred plate," "preferred platter" in English. The pronunciation will be "pla prey-fey-rey" in French.

What does the word flat mean in French?

A flat (appartment) is translated "un appartement" (masc.) in French. Flat (adjective) is "plat" (masc.), "plate" (fem.) in French.

What does mon plat mean in English?

mon plat means 'my dish' in English.