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Est-ce que je peux? in French is "Can I?" or "May I?" in English.

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Q: What is 'Est-ce que je peux' when translated from French to English?
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Est-ce que je peux emprunter? in French means "Can I borrow?" in English.

What is 'Est-ce que tu peux' when translated from French to English?

"Can you?" is an English equivalent of the French phrase Est-ce que tu peux? The question translates literally as "Is it that you can?" even though est-ce que, as a way of indicating a question that more simply may be asked Peux-tu?, need not be translated. The pronunciation will be "eh-skuh tyoo puh" in French.

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"je peux faire votre lit ?" is a question you will hear in an hostel. It means "may I make your bed?".The word "roche" is unrelated; it is translated "rock" (as a stone) in English.

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"qu'est-ce que je peux faire pour toi aujourd'hui ?"

How do you say Can you talk in french?

The phrase "Can you talk?" can be translated as "Peux-tu parler?" in French.

What is 'Je ne peux pas te diriger' when translated from French to English?

It means "I cannot direct you / steer your course".

What is 'Je ne peux rien dire' when translated from French to English?

"I can't say anything..." is an English equivalent of the incomplete French phrase Je ne peux rien dire... . The declarative statement also translates as "I can say nothing" in English. The pronunciation will be "zuhn puh rya deer" in French.

What is 'May I have another' when translated from English to French?

may I have another? is translated "est-ce que je peux en avoir un / une autre?"

Can i kiss you translated in french?

Peux-je vous embrasser ?

How do you translate 'can' into french?

The word 'can' can be translated into French as 'pouvoir.' For example, 'I can swim' would be translated as 'Je peux nager.'

What is 'Je veux mais je ne peux pas' when translated from French to English?

"I want to, but I can't!" is an English equivalent of the French phrase Je veux, mais je ne peux pas! The declaration also translates as "I want to, but I'm not able to!" in English. The pronunciation will be "zhuh vuh meh zuh puh pa" in French.

What is 'Je ne peux pas attendre pour vous sentir de nouveau' when translated from French to English?

'can't wait to feel you again'