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Pesante in Italian means "heavy" in English.

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Q: What is 'pesante' when translated from Italian to English?
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What does the musical term pesante mean?

Pesante is Italian for heavy.

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"Heavy joy" is a literal English equivalent of the Italian phrase allegro pesante. The masculine singular adjective and feminine/masculine singular adjective/present participle most famously references a style of emphasizing and extending the loud joy of a musical passage by slowing the movement to 60 to 100 beats per minute. The pronunciation will be "al-LEY-gro pey-SAN-tey" in Italian.

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"Not italian" in English is non italiano in Italian.

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"To have" in English means avere in Italian.

What is 'How is he' when translated from English to Italian?

"How is he?" in English is Come sta? in Italian.

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"Who we are" in English is Chi siamo in Italian.

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"About me!" in English is Su di me! in Italian.

What is 'and you' when translated from English to Italian?

"And you?" in English is E tu? in Italian.