

What is 0 equals 45 plus 21x-6y and 8y plus 6x equals 26?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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That would be a pair of equations that could be plotted as lines on a graph.

If you want to know the point at which those lines intersect, you can find it by using elimination:


0 = 45 + 21x - 6y

∴ 7x - 2y + 15 = 0

∴ y = (7x + 15)/2

Also given:

8y + 6x = 26

∴ 4y + 3x - 13 = 0

Now we combine the two:

∴ 4(7x + 15)/2 + 3x - 13 = 0

∴ 17x + 17 = 0

∴ x + 1 = 0

∴ x = -1

Now we can take that value of x, and plug it into one of the first equations to find a value for y:

4y + 3(-1) - 13 = 0

∴ 4y = 16

∴ y = 4

So the lines intersect at the point (-1, 4).

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Q: What is 0 equals 45 plus 21x-6y and 8y plus 6x equals 26?
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