

What is 3 over 4 of a foot?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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9 inches

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Q: What is 3 over 4 of a foot?
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To convert 4 inches to tenths of a Foot?

4 inches = 4/12 feet = 1/3 foot = 3-1/3 tenths of a foot.

What is 3 inches converted into feet?

The answer is 1/4 of a foot. A foot is 12 inches so 3 inches is only 1/4 of a foot 0.25 foot or one fourth of a foot. Feet is plural of foot and in one foot there are 12 inches. therefore 3 inches will measure up to 1/4 foot. 1/4 of a foot, 12 inches is a foot so 3 inches will be 1/4 of that

4 foot 3 inches in cm?

4 foot 3 inches = 129.54 centimeters.

What do you get when you add one half of a foot and one quarter of a foot?

1/2 of a foot + 1/4 of a foot = 3/4 of a foot

How many inches are in one third of a foot?

12 inches = 1 foot 12/3 = 4 so 1/3 of a foot is 4 inches

How many square inches are in a an area of three over fourths square foot?

1 square foot = 144 square inches. 3/4 square foot = 108 square inches.

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1 and 1/3 foot = 4/3 feet and 1 yard = 3 feet, so number of yards in 4/3 feet is 4/9

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5 and 3/4 of a foot = 1 yard 2 & 3/4 feet

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3 foot 4 inches, 40 inches

What is 4 foot 3 in inches?

1 foot = 12 inches so 12*4+3 = 51 inches.

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