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Its acceleration is always the same - the acceleration of gravity at 32 ft/sec/sec - no matter what distance it is during drop, until it hits the ground.

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Q: What is A ball is dropped from 5 m height What is its acceleration when it is at a height of 2.5 m?
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(25) times (desired rate of acceleration) Newtons.

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300cm. Ignoring the first drop, the first bounce is 50+50cm (up then down!), the second is 25+25, the third 12.5+12.5 ... and so on. If you know or accept that 1+1/2+1/4+1/8+1/16...=2 then the bounces add up to 100+50+25+12.5...=200, and then add the initial 100cm drop to make 300cm.

How high will a basketball bounce if dropped?

If we knew from what height the ball, when dropped, would reach its terminal velocity, and if we knew the percentage of rebound the ball would give, we could then be certain. I can only guess that a basketball will rebound approximately 75% of the height from which it is dropped, and if the height at which it would reach terminal velocity is maybe 300 feet, the ball would bounce back up to 225 feet. Just a guess! A basketball has an elasticity (or "bounciness") of about 56 percent.I'm not sure there's a theoretical limit. In practice, of course, there would be one: when the velocity of the ball impacting the ground is so great the ball explodes rather than bouncing. But you'd have to fire it out of some kind of basketball cannon to get it moving that fast.The official standard for ball inflation is that the ball should bounce roughly 75% of its drop height (specifically, between 49" and 54") when dropped from 6 feet. If you're referring to just the height a dropped ball could bounce and you're not throwing it down with some kind of basketball-downward-hurling machine, you could calculate the theoretical bounce height by figuring out what terminal velocity is for a basketball, calculating how high you'd have to drop it from (assuming no atmosphere) to achieve that velocity, and then multiplying by 0.75. I'm not going to do it for you, because I'm not actually all that interested in the answer, but that's how you could do it if you are.

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15 -Brittany Goraczkowski

How do you calculate the acceleration of a ball that starts from rest and rolls down a ramp and gains a speed of 25 ms in 5 s?

Acceleration is the speed variation at a given time. Thus you must calculate the speed variation: Final speed - Initial speed = 25m/s-0m/s=25m/s The conscious then is performed over time.. t=5s Finally, the acceleration is a=(25m/s)/5s=5m/s2

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The acceleration of the ball can be easily found using the kinematic equation if = vi + at. Where vi = initial velocity, if = final velocity, a = acceleration, and t = seconds. The acceleration is -0.1 m/s^2.

A penny is dropped into a well and it takes 5 seconds to fall what is the depth?

d=1/2 (a)(t^2) d=distance a=acceleration t=time acceleration due to gravity is 32 ft/second so d=1/2 (32)(5^2) d=16(25) d=400