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a militia.

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Q: What is A group of citizens organized to provide military support is a?
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How are citizens expected to support their government?

Citizens can effectively support their government by doing such things as voting, serving in the military, or paying taxes.

What are military bands?

Military bands are ensembles attached to military units to provide musical support for ceremonies and morale purposes.

What is a military band?

Military bands are ensembles attached to military units to provide musical support for ceremonies and morale purposes.

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Citizens are expected to support their government through?

Citizens, both by nature of being born and naturalized, are entitled to freedom given by the government. In exchange for freedom, citizens are expected to support their government through exercising right to vote, paying taxes, and, if eligible, submit themsleves in military service.

What was the primary feature of the Truman Doctrine?

To provide economic and military support to nations threatened by communist forces

What connection does Iran have to Hezbollah?

Iran is believed to support Hezbollah financially and provide military aid for the group.

What are some civilian jobs in the military?

Civilian workers in the military provide support to the armed services. Civilian jobs in the military include record keeping, equipment inventory and supply management.

What methods were used by the roman republic to ensure the loyalty of conquered peoples in Italy?

During the first stage of expansion, Rome conquered the rest of Italy (by 290 b.c.e.). Rome won the support of the people of Italy by granting them Roman citizenship. As citizens, these people then had to provide soldiers for the military.