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Q: What is Alexander Graham Belle die of?
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What did Alexander Graham Belle invent?

He invented a phone

When did Alexander H. Graham die?

Alexander H. Graham died in 1977.

When did William Alexander Graham die?

William Alexander Graham died on 1875-08-11.

When did Douglas Alexander Graham die?

Douglas Alexander Graham died on 1971-09-28.

When did Alexander Graham die?


How and when did Alexander graham die?

Alexander Graham Bell died of Diabetes complications on August 2nd, 1922

When did Alexander Graham Bell die?

Alexander Graham Bell died on August 2, 1922 at the age of 75.

Did Alexander Graham Bell die in a hospital?

i think he did die in a hospital

Did any of Alexander graham bell's kids die?

yes they did die

Did Alexander Graham Bell die from diabetes?

yes he did

How did Alexander Graham ball's mother die?


Why Alexander graham bell die?

He was very old.