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Archipelago, usually found isolated in bodies of water.

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Q: What is An extensive cluster of islands formed tectonically?
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What is an geography?

A chain or cluster of islands formed tectonically

What is an arhipelago?

did you mean Archipelago? an Archipelago is a chain or cluster of islands that is formed tectonically

What is a achipelago?

An archipelago (pronounced /ɑrkɨˈpɛləɡoʊ/) is a chain or cluster of islands that are formed tectonically.

What is an archilelago?

An archipelago is a chain or cluster of islands that are formed tectonically. Indonesia, Japan, New Zealand, The Philippines, and the United Kingdom are the largest countries that are mostly archipelagos, Indonesia being the biggest in size.

What is an Archipelgo?

An archipelago is a group of islandsa group of islands

What archipelago means?

It is a tectonically formed group or cluster of large islands.such as aegean sea which contains a large number of scattered islands.Archipelago is a chain or cluster of islands that is formed tectonically. The word archipelago is derived from the Greek ἄρχι- - arkhi- ("chief") and πέλαγος - pelagos("sea") through the Italian Archipelago. In Italian, possibly following a tradition of antiquity, the Archipelago(from medieval Greek was the proper name for the Aegean Sea and, later, usage shifted to refer to the Aegean Islands (since the sea is remarkable for its large number of islands). It is now used to generally refer to any island group or, sometimes, to a sea containing a large number of scattered islands like the Aegean Sea.

What does archipelago mean?

It is a tectonically formed group or cluster of large islands.such as aegean sea which contains a large number of scattered islands.Archipelago is a chain or cluster of islands that is formed tectonically. The word archipelago is derived from the Greek ἄρχι- - arkhi- ("chief") and πέλαγος - pelagos("sea") through the Italian Archipelago. In Italian, possibly following a tradition of antiquity, the Archipelago(from medieval Greek was the proper name for the Aegean Sea and, later, usage shifted to refer to the Aegean Islands (since the sea is remarkable for its large number of islands). It is now used to generally refer to any island group or, sometimes, to a sea containing a large number of scattered islands like the Aegean Sea.

Are the hawaiian Islands a region or extensive pyroclastic flow?

They are a region. This islands themselves were formed primarily by lava flows. The volcanoes there rarely produce pyroclastic flows.

What does an archipelago look like?

The Hawaiian Island chain formed from a mantle plume and moving plates. The rising mantle plume causes crustal material to melt at depth, which results in volcanism and finally in the formation of a volcanic island. Since the Pacific Plate is in continuous (although slow) movement, the same mantle plume will cause volcanism subsequently in different places and this is expressed at the surface as a chain of volcanoes or volcanic islands.

What do geographers call a long chain of islands like Japan?

The name for a cluster or chain of islands is "archipelago". (More technically, it would apply to a chain of islands like Hawaii, which are all formed from the same tectonic / volcanic source.)

How are mangrove islands formed?

mangrove islands are formed by

Is it true that a archipelago is a chain of islands?

Yes, it is true that an archipelago is a chain, cluster, or group of islands. These islands are usually formed by volcanic activity or other geological processes. Examples of well-known archipelagos include the Maldives, the Philippines, and the Galapagos Islands.