

What is Anne Robinson's auto biography called?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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Memoirs of an Unfit Mother

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Q: What is Anne Robinson's auto biography called?
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Why is the book the Diary of a Young Girl Anne frank an biography?

It's a Biography because she write this story, about her life. If someone else wrote it, it would be an Auto Biography.

A book about someones life is called?

a biography

Does Leonardo DiCaprio have a biography or an auto biography?

None of them

What is a auto biography and a biography?

A biography is the name given to a book which details somebody's life, often from their birth until their death. If you write a biography of yourself it is called an autobigraphy.

Why are autobiographies called autobiographies?

because in french auto means self and biography means write which lead to autobiography

What is an autobioghraphy?

an auto biography is a biography of someone told by that same person

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Sargent did not write his biography.

How do you say auto biography in french?


What object would you do an auto biography on?

a person

What are the four kinds of books?

I am thinking Fiction, Non-Fiction, Biography and Auto-Biography...

What is the genre of the book about bill gates?

If bill gates wrote it himself, it is a biography,if not its an auto-biography

How do you end my auto biography?

By a full stop. lol.