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They believe in life after death,karma,dharma,Buddha,energy,harmony and happiness


The beliefs of Buddhism are summed up in the Four Noble Truths:

  • All life is suffering
  • All suffering is caused by desire
  • Suffering can be ended
  • The way to end suffering is founf in the Eightfold Path
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14y ago

Given the association of Buddhism with the meditating monk, one might well assume that Buddhism emphasizes practices over beliefs. It is true that right practices are important in Buddhism, but the faith really centers on correct understanding of human nature and ultimate reality.

The Buddha, after all, was called the "Enlightened One." After he became enlightened, he taught that the way to eliminate suffering begins with understanding the true nature of the world. However, the Buddha considered knowledge important only insofar as it remains practical. He rejected speculation about such matters as God, the nature of the universe, and the afterlife, urging his followers to focus instead on the Four Noble Truths by which they can free themselves from suffering

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9y ago

One Buddhism belief is reincarnation. Buddhists believe that people are reborn after they die. They also believe in equality for all.

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