

What is bullimia?

Updated: 9/6/2023
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12y ago

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Bulimia is an Eating Disorder that deals with excessive weight loss through self-starvation and sometimes through purging (vomiting, laxative usage), excessive exercising, refusal to maintain normal weight, intense fear of weight gain, obsessive preoccupation with weight and shape, loss of menstrual periods, distorted body image and so on. Bulimia Nervosa specifically is characterized by cycles of binge eating followed by purging, usually done in secret, weight ranges from below to above average (may be difficult to detect), feeling out of control of food intake, purging after bingeing via self-induced vomiting, laxatives, diet pills, diuretics, excessive exercise, or starvation, obsessive preoccupation with weight and shape. Bulimics are deceptively so and usually extremely close to normal weight, but their weight may go up and down, fluctuating dramatically.

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12y ago
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10y ago

Bulimia nervosa (commenly shortened to "bulimia") is the process of binge eating, and then feelings of depression, guilt and self hatred. Said person will then engage in behaviour to make up the excess eating, commonly in the form of purging (vomiting), use of laxitives, fasting, overexercising, diuretics and other means of weight loss.

Typically, bulimics will retain an average weight whereas anorexics are drastically underweight (with a BMI of 17.5 and under).
An eating disorder where a person has a body image distortion that they are very overweight and they diet themselves to near starvation, still thinking they have lost no weight.

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15y ago

When your anorexic and you eat alot of food but you throw it up right after that. Some bulimic people throw up about 40 times a day and it makes you lose your hair and teeth. This is for people who are very unsatisfied with their weight and their physical appearance.

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13y ago

bulimia ; its an eating disorder in which you eat and then you make yourself throw up after you eat to get rid of what you've just eaten, so you don't really keep it down and gain the weight. a lot of teens and college aged women and men have it although more common in women than men. anyone could become bulimic and those that do have it normally are at normal/healthy weight although they start to purge because they maybe unsatisfied with their body image, maybe due to remarks by other people or comparing themselves.

bulimics are normally high achievers; under pressure to be perfect and are also more prone to suicide attempts. bulimia takes over ones life and drives the person insane with pressure, depression and tiredness.

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12y ago

bulimia nervosa is a dangerous eating disorder, where one eats to the point of discomfort, and then purges to get rid of the consumed calories. Purging may include forced vomiting, or taking laxatives.

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12y ago

Bulimia is an emotional disorder involving distortion of body image and an obsessive desire to lose weight, in which bouts of extreme overeating are followed by depression and self-induced vomiting, purging, or fasting.

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13y ago

Constantly throwing up your meals. It's a disease of the mind caused by low self esteem, and it really sucks.

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9y ago

Hypo-bulimia is when you are bulimic and have low blood volume. Hyper-bulimic means you have high blood volume. Both can be harmful.

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12y ago

when a girl eats them throws up.

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Is there an easier way to make yourself throw up instead of using your fingers or a toothbrush?

Yes. It is not the best choice but i suffer from bullimia and i know the terrifying feeling of eating uncontrollably and wondering how to possibly undo the damage. it should get easier as you do it more and more, but some people say its harder. over time you gain complete control of your stomach and can throw up whenever you want, sometimes just by leaning over the toilet. I drink a lot of fluid and that helps. warm salt water. alka seltzer. once your body gets used to throwing up with that in your stomach it evnentually becomes a regular thing, which you need to be careful of. before long diet soda may enduce vomiting. once you throw up and get started just go with it. push your stomach as its happening and don't stop. just force it out. this is a horrible way to live and i am not encouraging anyone to practice this lifestyle. i am however here to help relieve those of themselves for who it is too late. for those who know no other way and need to rid themselves of the damage they've done while eating in disgusting proportions, amounts that the average human being couldn't imagine or even want to eat. for you, who is suffering in bed with a stomach ache so severe, for you who hopes to die soon because you don't know what to do with yourself anymore. I'm there with you.

If someone has a mind of an anorexic and starves themselves but if they do eat not a binge they purge is that anorexic with bulimic tendencies?

It is important to recognize that "bulimia" or "bulimia nervosa" is a diagnosis. Like any other medical diagnosis you must meet certain criteria in order to be diagnosed 'bulimic.' According the the DSM IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) in order to be diagnosed with bulimia you must: 1) demonstrate episodes of binge eating (eating within any 2 hour period an amoutn of food larger than most people would eat. Binge eating is characterized also by a sense of lack of control while eating.) 2) demonstrate innapropriate compensatory behavior to avoid weight gain (i.e. self induced vomiting, inappropriate use of laxitives, fasting, or excessive exercise) 3) The above binge/purge cycle continues over at least a three month period of time, with an average of two binges/purges per week. 4) The individual is strongly influenced by body image and weight 5) The binge/purge cycle does not occur only during episodes of anorexia nervosa. If all these criteria are not met, than technically, the individual is not bulimic. However, if the individual is expressing some of the symptoms, than perhaps that individual would be diagnosed with "EatingDisorder Not Otherwise Specified" (EDNOS.)

What are the different types of eating disorders?

there's many different types of eating disorders, along with those which don't fit into a certain category; those are known as EDNOS (eating disorder not specified).the main three eating disorders are anorexia, bulimia and BED (binge-eating disorder), but there is also CED (compulsive exercise disorder), anorexia binge-purge type, Orthorexia nervosa (eating only 'health' foods) and Pica (eating inedible substances, among others.There is also other types which medically fall into the EDNOS catogory, like 'chew and spit' and purging disorder, as the boundaries of eating disorders can easily become blurred., Bulimia, compulsive overeating, binge eating disorder, Female athletic triad.Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Binge Eating Disorder (BED), Purging Disorder, Rumination Syndrome, Diabulimia, Food Maintenance Syndrome, and Pica