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CLS is a set of basic rules, which must be followed by each .NET language to be a .NET- compliant language. It enables interoperability between two .NET-compliant languages. CLS is a subset of CTS; therefore, the languages supported by CLS can use each other's class libraries similar to their own. Application programming interfaces (APIs), which are designed by following the rules defined in CLS can be used by all .NET-compliant languages.

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CLS is followed by all .net languages. (C#, VB.Net,....).

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Q: What is Common Language Specification (CLS)?
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Full form of cls?

Common language specification

What are the major components of NET Framework and explain briefly?

1. CTS (Common Type System ) 2. CLR (Common language Run-time ) 3. CLS (Common language Specification ) 4. Name Spaces 5. Class Library 6. Assembly

What is common language specification in dotnet?

Common Language Specification (CLS) CLS is a set of rules provided to: describe the minimal and complete set of features to produce code that can be hosted by CLR ensure that products of compilers will work properly in .NET environment Sample rules: representation of text strings internal representation of enumerations definition of static members and This is a subset of the CTS which all .NET languages are expected to support. It was always a dream of Microsoft to unite all different languages in to one umbrella and CLS is one step towards that. Microsoft has defined CLS which are nothing but guidelines that language to follow so that it can communicate with other .NET languages in a seamless manner.

How cross language support is achieved using cts and cls in net?

The CLS, or Common Language Specification, specifies the "lowest common demoniator" of .NET languages. For example, VB.NET is not case sensitive but C# is. In order to have cross language support, you would have to not have two variables at the same scope that only differ by case in C#. You could then mark the class (or assembly) as CLSComplaint ([CLSComplaint(true)], and then use that object in any other CLR language.

A compliance is designed to ensure what?

You didn't clarify what type of compliance you are referring to. If you meant CLS (Common Language Specification) complaince, marking an assembly or class as CLS complaint means that you are using a naming convention that all CLR languages can interpret. For example, in a CLS complaint C# class, you could not have two public variables of the same name that only differed in case, because VB.NET is not case sensitive. By creating a CLS complaint object, you can use that object in other .NET languages.

What is common language specification in .net?

.NET languages are not compiled to machine code.They are compiled to an intermediate language (IL).

When was Alloy - specification language - created?

Alloy - specification language - was created in 1997.

What is CLR?

Common Language Runtime Common Language Runtime (CLR) manages the execution of code and provides different services like Garbage collection and support for Base Class Libraries etc. The main constituents of CLR are described below The common Language Runtime (CLR) a rich set of features for cross-language development and deployment. CLR supports both Object Oriented Languages as well as procedural languages. CLR provides security, garbage collection, cross language exception handling, cross language inheritance and so on. The Common Type System, support both Object Oriented Programming languages as well as procedural languages. Basically CTS provides rich type system that is intended to support wide range of languages. CLS (Common Language Specification) defines a subset of Common Type System, which all language compilers targeting CLR must adhere to. CLS is a subset of CTS. All compilers under .NET will generate Intermediate Language no matter what language is used to develop an application. In fact, CLR will not be aware of the language used to develop an application. All language compilers will generate a uniform, common language called Intermediate Language. For this reason IL can be called as The language of CLR A platform for cross language development.

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How a language can be part of .net framework?

language is a specification where as framework means which extends the functionality of a language so can be a part

Sample table of specification for a language test?

ok wait!

What is grammar in compiler design?

Is a specification for the syntax of a programming language.