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It is when neurotransmitters are released form one neuron and travel across the synapse, which is a gap between two neuron, in order to stimulate the second neuron

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Q: What is Diffusion of transmitters across synaptic cleft?
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The transport mechanism for a neurotransmitter across the synaptic cleft is called?

simple diffusion

How do electrical impulses go across synapses?

An electrial nerve impulse travels across a synapse by diffusion. The neurotransmitter substance from the pre-synaptic cleft travels across the synapse via diffusion. This is then received by receptors in the post synaptic cleft

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What is the Process by which ACh gets across cleft?

The transport process by which ACh is released into the synaptic cleft is called Exocytosis.

What reactions leap across synapses?

Reactions don't leap across synapses but neurotransmitters will diffuse across the synaptic cleft.

What is the opening across which one neuron communicates with another neuron known as?

Synaptic cleft

What carries electrical signals across the synaptic cleft between an axon and a receiving cell?

if the gap is too small, electric impulses are directly transmited and in case of relatively large gaps, chemical transmitters helpe in transmitting the impulse

The tiny space between the axon terminal and the dendrite of another neuron is called the?

Synaptic Cleft.

What role does neurotransmitters play in neurotransmission?

In between 2 neurones is the synaptic cleft, the gap between the pre and post-synapse. NTs are the molecules which activate receptors on the post-synapse during synaptic transmission, The activated receptors initiate intracellular mechanisms such as ion channel opening, G-protein activation, etc, which can inhibit or produce action potentials (nerve impulses).

Can neurotransmitters cross the synaptic cleft?

Yes, neurotransmitters diffuse across the synaptic cleft to transmit a neural signal; the actual neural impulse(spike) occurs when the neuron fires in response to a sufficiency of signals received.

A nerve poison that blocked neurotransmitter receptors on the dendrites would?

prevent transmission across the synaptic cleft

What do you call the opening across which one neuron communicates with another neuron?

The Synapse, also called the synaptic cleft.