

What is HPV and Aids?

Updated: 11/13/2022
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15y ago

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HPV or Human Papilloma Virus, has been linked to Genital Warts and Cervical cancer.

AIDS or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, is caused by the HIV Virus.

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AIDS is not a virus. However, HIV is a RNA virus.

Does Machine Gun Kelly The Rapper Have Aids?

No Machine Gun Kelly (MGK)/(Colson Baker) Does In fact Not Have Aids Or Any Other HIV/HPV/STD Related Illnesses. If He Did He Would Not Be Able To Have Sexual Intercourse With Women, (Witch Happens Vary Often), It Is Against The Law, Even If You Wear A Condom, It Is Still A Possibility You Could Get HIV/HPV/STD.

Can you get HPV from centipedes?

You can not get HPV from centipedes.

Is hpv in your blood?

HPV is not in your blood.

Can smoking increase hpv?

No, once you get HPV you have it forever. You get HPV from intercourse or other skin-to-skin contact. HPV has nothing to do with smoking.

What are nicknames for hpv?

HPV is short for Human Papilloma Virus. In that sense, HPV is the nickname.

Are HPV and HIV the same?

HIV is the name of the virus that infects the body. AIDS is the name of the illness that develops later. They compare a bit like the seed and the grown plant. HIV means that you've got the virus in you, AIDS means that it's begun overpowering your immune system, making you sick. With current medicines a person can carry the virus for many years before developing AIDS. HIV Test Singapore:

What is the pathogen of hpv?

HPV stands for human papillomavirus. HPV is a virus.

How many sexual deseases?

ask Danielle long because she has most of them.

Do you have to get chemo if you have hpv?

No, you don't have to get chemotherapy if you have HPV. HPV is a common and usually self-limited infection. If HPV causes cancer, chemotherapy is sometimes needed.

How does hpv affect the uterus?

HPV does not affect the body of the uterus. HPV may affect the uterine cervix.