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Islamic Law, called the SHARI'A, is based on the exegesis of Islamic texts, especially the Qur'an and a case by case applicability to present cases. As a result, there are certain laws and penal codes which cannot be altered, modernized, or reformed. The base Islamic texts are considered to be Divinely Authored and are, therefore, beyond question or debate. Even if the majority disagrees with a law, they have to abide by it because the law has Divine approval.

US Law is based on the principle that all laws are subject to debate, revision, and majority approval. The Constitution of the United States sets up the principles of how the country is governed, but each aspect of those principles can be amended and altered should the population be of the view that something should be changed. Laws can be modernized and altered on a fundamental level should the votes come through.

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Q: What is Islamic law called and how is Islamic law different from law in the US?
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How is Islamic law similar to law in the US?

The only real similarity between Islamic Law and US Law is the strong presence of judge-made law, also called "case law". This means that while specific rules made by a legislature or a holy book may have a lot of merit, much of the finer points of the law are articulated using case law and analogies.However, the actual findings of Shari'a vs. those of US law on most questions are actually radically different. As actual corpuses of law, the two systems are irreconcilable.

What is the name of the Islamic Holy Law?

The name of the Islamic Holy Law is called Shari'ah. It is the law that we, Muslims, rely on. Also, the Holy Quran and Hadith as well. The Shari'ah tells us between haraam and halal. It also tells us about the good and evils of this world. Good luck!

How can you get an Islamic divorce in America?

This question is contradictory. By definition, US law is not the same as Islamic law. To have your marriage recognised in the US, you must be able to be declared as married according to US law. Similarly, your divorce must be recognised under US law, whose requirements are separate to those of Islamic law.Divorce law obviously varies from state to state, but at a minimum you will have to contact your local registry office and ask them for a certificate of divorce. You will be able to submit evidence of your divorce under Islamic law as part of that request, but you will still most likely have to fill out a form.

What is it called when a law ends?

In the US, when congress eliminates a law this is called a repeal. When the Supreme Court finds a law unconstitutional, this is called "striking down" a law.

What is called law officer in US?

a cop

What is the'' sypreme law of the land?

The US Constitution is called The Supreme Law of the Land.

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popular sovereignty

What is an exception to copyright law called?

In the US law, they're referred to as limitations, defenses, and exceptions.

The law making body of the United States is called the...?

US Congress.

Why are there so many different sources of law in the US?

i no but u should find it out

Will credits from a Mexican law school transfer to a US law school?

It is doubtful that they will transfer. The laws are based on totally different systems and codes, as well as different precedents.

Where state law conflicts with national law national law prevails due to what?

This is due to a thing called SubpoenaIn the US, national law overrules state law due to "the supreme law of the land" clause in the US constitution.This is similar to the doctrine known as the supremacy of EC law.