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all group 2 metals are light weight with high melting points beryllium however has the highest melting point due to the low number of electrons shielding the nucleus fro the delocalised atoms

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Q: What is Light weight with high melting point in group 2 of elements?
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Chemistry books say that he grouped the elements by atomic weight. That is not the same as density.

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The Actinoids group contain all the synthetic elements. All the elements that have an atomic weight of 95 and above do not occur naturally. They are part of the actinoid elemental group.

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Nitrogen has an extremely low melting point. The element nitrogen solidifies at -210 °C, only 63° above absolute zero. A phase change can be made under very high pressure, and the resultant solid is then stable at normal pressure if kept cold enough. This has the potential for making nitrogen superconducting magnets.

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What is special about the elements in the same group?

elements are in the same group since they react similarly to other elements in that group.

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main group elements

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Group 17 elements are called the halogens. Group 18 elements are called the noble gases.

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Group 17 elements are called the halogens. Group 18 elements are called the noble gases.