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They were very good friends in the beginning, but now that new things are happening in the book, so do things with ponyboy and cherry. the thing is, is that ponyboy has always had a thing for cherry, but cherry just thought of them as friends, but in the book, they become not just good friends, but more than that. relationship statis: <3 they love eachother. best thing of all. :)

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Q: What is PonyBoy and cherry relationship?
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Cherry befriended ponyboy.

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It is speculated that he has a crush on Cherry Valance, but he has no serious romance in the book.

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Cherry's comment to Ponyboy suggests trouble because he is quiet and he is nice.

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Ponyboy is attracted to Cherry physically and Cherry likes Ponyboy because he isn't rude like the other boys. Even though she is a Soc, she doesn't care about Ponyboy being a greaser, she cares more about him as a person.

Who did ponyboy have a relationship with?

He really only had relationships with fellow greasers, but he became friends with three of the socs. -Randy,Marcia,and Cherry. ___________________________________________________________________ -----maybe what people r trying to get at is, ponyboy's LOVE relationship, was with "CHERRY". awww. &lt;3 :) ----- (PS. i just tryed to add on to the last answer and i really didnt think that's what people were asking about. so if this was ur answer, glad i could help ya out. )

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They meet at the cinemas

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Ponyboy gets upset with Cherry because he doesn't want her to feel sorry for him. He likes Cherry, but he thinks she is only being nice to him out of pity.

If ponyboy has respect for cherry Why does ponyboy feel bitterness in chapter 3?

Because he hates socs