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Q: What is Raw egg white mucous tinged with blood on bathroom paper on day 18 of cycle?
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Its day eleven of your cycle your cervical mucous is clear and stretchy with small traces of blood can you be ovulating?


Is it normal to have a lot of blood on the toilet paper after going to the bathroom?

In the right part of a woman's menstruation cycle that might be normal, but otherwise it is usually a sign of something that needs attention.

What is the blood from the menstrol cycle from?

The blood from the menstrual cycle is from the lining of the uterus or womb. The blood also contains mucosal tissue.

What is the blood cycle?

the blood cycle is a phase that goes on in your heart to pump blood to your heart to keep you alive and your organs. the heart uses oxygenated and de-oxygenated blood to survive.

Why does blood appear on day one of the cycle?

Day one of the menstrual cycle is the first day of menstruation. This is why you'd have blood on the first day of your cycle, because this is your period.

You are usually right on schedule 30 days with no ovulation bleeding but this month you are spotting 13 days into your cycle Could it be implantation bleeding?

Mid-cycle bleeding is not normal and you should see a doctor. I would like to correct the above statement. Mid-cycle bleeding is, in fact, fairly normal. Some women experience spotting during ovulation and it is considered a very positive sign of fertility. This spotting will be bright red and tinged with mucous. Implantation spotting generally occurs a week before up to the week of the missed period and is generally brownish in color. If you are worried about your cycle please consider seeing a midwife or if one is not available a doctor.

What is a Clump of blood in a menstrual cycle?

It's likely a blood clot.

What role does liver play in the life cycle of red blood cell?

what role the liver play in the life cycle of red blood cells

The lining of the uterus is shed in which menstrual cycle stage?

The process in which the endometrium of the uterus is shed from the body is called menstruation.

Does giving blood affect menstrual cycle?


What is the life cycle of a human cell?


Do you count day one of your cycle when you spot blood?

obviously if you got blood