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The memories, or any details of his Assignment.

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The Giver is forbidden to share the memories of the past with his spouse or anyone else in the community. These memories contain emotions and experiences that the community has chosen to erase in order to maintain stability and control.

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Q: What is The Giver forbidden to share with his spouse or anyone else in the community in The Giver book?
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Where was the Giver's former spouse and why?

The Giver's former spouse was released because she did not follow the rules of their community and attempted to share her feelings and emotions with others. This act of defiance went against the strict regulations of the society, leading to her being released.

In the book The Giver can Jonas apply for a spouse?

In the society depicted in The Giver, spouses are assigned to individuals by the community's elders, and people do not get to choose their own partners. Jonas would not be able to apply for a spouse based on his own preferences or desires.

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Jonas was astonished to find books in the Giver's dwelling, as they were forbidden in the community. This discovery opened his eyes to the possibility of new knowledge and experiences beyond what the community had revealed to him.

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when they find a person they believe will be a good spouse, they take the idea to the council. the council weighs the idea by looking at their compatibility, through their characteristics and interests. if the council approves, they become spouses.

What is the highest job in the community called in the book The Giver?

The highest job in the community in the book "The Giver" is called the Receiver of Memory.

What did the receiver not have in the giver?

The receiver in "The Giver" did not have access to memories of the past before the community was created. This is contrasted with the Giver, who holds all memories and emotions for the community.

Who was the giver in the book the giver?

The Giver in the book "The Giver" is a character named The Giver who is responsible for storing the memories of the community and passing them on to the protagonist, Jonas, who is training to become his successor. The Giver's role is to help the community avoid making the same mistakes that led to their highly controlled society.

What is the very last ceremony to be celebrated in the community in the giver?

The very last ceremony celebrated in the community in "The Giver" is the Ceremony of Release.

the giver Did Larisa know exactly where Roberto or anyone else went when they were release?

In the book "The Giver" by Lois Lowry, Larissa did not know exactly where Roberto or anyone else went when they were released. The community members were not informed about the details of the release process, and it was kept a secret by the Committee of Elders.

Who is Rosemary in te book the giver?

Rosemary is the daughter of the Giver. After she basically killed herself with medicine, her name became a forbidden name.

What were the rules for the receiver in training in the giver?

In "The Giver," the rules for the Receiver in training are to keep all memories secret, to follow the instructions of the Giver, and to continue to take the daily pill given to dull the pain of receiving memories. The Receiver is also not allowed to share the memories with anyone else in the community.