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Its basically a large filling. A three surface filling can be described in example as "MOD Filling" which would the the mesial, occlusal, facial surfaces, if indeeed, that is the 3 surfaces the filling is going. Mesial and distal represent the different sides of the tooth, and occlusal is the top - center surface of the tooth. So MOD would be a filling ranging across the top of the tooth. The entire top wont be gone, but there will be a noticable filling.

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Imagine a wooden box sitting on the floor. You can see five of the six surfaces of the box. In dental terms, a tooth is like that. There are five surfaces that can be filled. There is the front, back, left side, right side, and top (or bottom). The proper terms are mesial, distal, lingual, facial, and occlusal. A one surface filling is a restoration that only involves one surface of a tooth.

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You don't really feel the filling and when the tooth comes out, the filling comes out with it. It is just like part of the tooth! HAPPY SEARCHING CHUMS:D!

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The cost for a composite filling (Tooth Colored) for 1 Surface should be between $130 and $200.

Is it possible to have two cavities in one tooth or is the dentist just trying to double-charge for one filling?

It's possible to have two different cavities in one tooth. It's also possible that it is just one cavity, but it is on two surfaces of the tooth. Each tooth has five surfaces. Each surface added to a filling will be more money.

If the Dentist says the tooth cracked because of grinding and not because of the filling he put in 2 weeks ago is this correct?

it is most likely the tooth had a small crack in it anyway. the tooth was alittle"high"from the new filling and the extra pressure from biting on it, cracked the tooth. usually after a new filling, you should go back to have the filling polished which strengthens the filling and adjusts the bite.

How does sugar harm teeth?

Bacteria located on the surface of the teeth use the sugars as a food source and through anaerobic fermentation, create lactic acid. This lowers the pH near the surface of the tooth, which slowly erodes the calcium hyrdoxyappetite crystals of the tooth. This may expose underlying layers, such as the dentin, to bacteria. This can lead to an infection of the tooth and require a root canal, extraction, or filling. Bacteria located on the surface of the teeth use the sugars as a food source and through anaerobic fermentation, create lactic acid. This lowers the pH near the surface of the tooth, which slowly erodes the calcium hyrdoxyappetite crystals of the tooth. This may expose underlying layers, such as the dentin, to bacteria. This can lead to an infection of the tooth and require a root canal, extraction, or filling.

Unsmooth filling tooth?

needs to be smoothed.

What are some good filling materials?

To treat a cavity or cracked tooth a filling is used to fill the area of the tooth where the decayed material was removed or where the tooth is cracked. There are several filling materials available including gold, porcelain, silver amalgam, plastic, and resin.

What does a dentist might put one of these in a tooth which has a hole?

a filling, i think

What is the hard surface of tooth called?

The hard surfce on the surface of a tooth is enamel.

Why does your tooth look blue?

That's a question for your dentist. If the tooth has a filling, there might be some leakage.