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someone to aspire to be as far as religion

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Q: What is a Moral Figure?
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What is the moral of The crow and the pitcher?

The moral lesson of The Crow and The Pitcher by Aesop is one of ingenuity. If you want or need something bad enough, you'll figure out a way to get it.

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The use of pun is in the moral of the story. Here the pun is in the word chooses/chews.

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A moral is a oral a folktale and that a moral that a moral

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im is a prefix for moral

What is hume's tripartite theory of human practice or institution of morality?

Tripartite Program: 1. Figure out the feeling of moral approval and disapproval. 2. Investigate the action that leads to this feeling of approval and disapproval. 3. generalize the idea that this action is moral/immoral. It is very much parallel to Hume's psychology about idea and impression. We got the impression by directly feeling whether our action gets moral approval/disapproval, then generalize it as idea of moral good or bad.

What is the moral to the Fox and the Crow?

The moral of the story "The Fox and the Crow" is that one should not be gullible and easily swayed by flattery. It teaches us to be cautious of those who may have ulterior motives and not to be deceived by false praise.

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moral dissensus is the opposite of moral consensus

What is most likely moral of this parable?

when it comes to conflict and hostility, there are never any true winners APEX :)

How is San La Muerte depicted?

San La Muerte is usually shown as a male skeleton figure with a scythe. It is usually used to denote followers of a certain moral code, who make offerings to the saint figure in return for protection. It has also been taken up by prison gangs.