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1.cytoplasm is like jello

nucleus is like a remote cause it controls

cell wall is like football pads

lysosomes are like the bodies digestive system

vacuole are like storage rooms

2. a good analogy for organelle would be students in school

because organelle is usually found in a group of many within a cell

students in schools are also in groups of many within a school

3.A good way to understand cells at first to to see them as a factory. This factory manufactures proteins.

The membrane forms the walls. There are doors which allow necessary things to come in and go out.

The floor of the building contains the cytoplasm.

The nucleus is the main office. This is where plans are drafted and drawn up to make proteins.

These instructions are sent to the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER). This is the factory floor.

Each work station is a ribosome. These ribosomes make the proteins.

The mitochondria are the power houses.

The Golgi body is the shipping department. It sends out the proteins that the cell needs.

The vacuoles are the trash bins.

There are parts which are brought out of storage when needed as in cell division: centrioles and fibers.

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14y ago

If you are referring to the structure's function, than a good analogy would be a computer system for a company that contains all of the vital records and data required.

If you are referring to the size, than that depends on the certain species: all different species have different-sized nuclei.

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Are you asking what is a nucleus like?

If so the nucleus is the brain

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Q: What is a cell analogy of a nucleus?
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How is a truck compared to a cell analogy?

The cell analogy can be compared to a truck by exploring the various parts of the cell. The nucleus directs the cell around while the truck carries things from one point to another.

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