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Moths are fairlly small. they are about the size of any average butterfly. they biggest i have seen would have about a 2 inch wing span

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Q: How long is a moth in inches?
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Related questions

What is the wing span of a Luna moth?

The wing span of a Luna moth is 3'' to 5'' inches;3

What is the description of a Luna moth?

The Luna Moth has compound eyes, The makeantennae are larger and bushier than the females Their Wingspan is about 75- 105mm (4-5 inches) long. They have 4 legs and they are larger green insects that can fly.

How big can a moth be?

The smallest moth in the world is the Nepticulid moths which have a 0.1 inch wing span, and the largest moth in the world is the Hercules moth, which has a wingspan of 10.5 inches. Other South American moths, like the Great Owlet moth and the Giant Atlas moth can reach wingspans of 12-18 inches. For more information, check the related links.

How big do moths grow?

An owlet moth has the record wingspan. The wingspan of a moth can actually range from 80 to 150 millimeters.

What is the smallest moth?

The atlas moth is the widest moth in the world. Its wing span can reach up to a foot across.

What is the largest UK moth?

the largest spotted from what i can tell its the death's head moth glamorised by silence of the lambs, or the privet hawk moth.. which are about 4-5 inches in wingspan but I'm pretty sure I've seen some large moths which too are about 4-6 inches in wingspan but i couldn't identify them

What is the life span of a Luna moth?

A Luna Moth lives for only one week. After breaking out of its cocoon, the moth's sole purpose is to reproduce, and after this they die. The Luna moth is a Saturniidae, a group name which applies to some of the larger and more spectacular species in the Lepidoptera category. As with all Sarurniidae, this moth has no mouth and no need to eat, and therefore has a very limited life span, in the Luna moth's case, only one week.

How long does it take for hair to grow 7 inches?

It depends on how you take care of your hair... If you do-take care of it should grow it take apparently 7 moth I would say..

How long does a grey dagger moth take to turn into a moth?

no time because it is already a moth. If you mean the larvea, then roughly 4 to 6 weeks.

What does a Luna moth look like?

A Luna Moth is a large green moth with long 'tails' on the bottom of their wings. They are the moths used in the Lunesta commercials.

How long is the gestation period for a moth?

several days

How long does it take for a moth to get out of a pupa?

about 2 weeks