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Charcoal dust is usually effective to detect fingerprints. If not you could try Fingerprint spray.

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Q: What is a better technique than using Iodine to detect a fingerprint on a frame?
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Is there a better technique to detect fingerprints other than iodine?

my head

Is there a better substance then iodine to detect fingerprints?

no there is not a better substance

Belle and dragon used iodine to show up hidden fingerprints on the frame of the pricless painting find out if there is a better thechnique that billie and dragon could have used to detect the fingerp?

they could use something like: fingerprint spray or the super-glue trick

Is there a better way than iodine to detect finger prints on a frame?

Use Light Because It Shows What The Finger Print Looks Like.

What do the result of the iodine test indicate about the composition of the endosperm?

The iodine test will detect the presence of starch in the endosperm.

What does iodine detect?

The iodine test is used to test for starch. It reacts with starch to produce a purple blackish color.

What chemical detects glucose?

Iodine can detect starch, which is a polymer of glucose

What is the function of iodine in plant histology?

In plant histology, iodine is commonly used as a stain to detect the presence of starch in plant tissues. Iodine reacts with starch molecules, forming a blue-black color complex. This staining technique helps identify storage tissues such as roots, tubers, and seeds, where starch is abundant.

What are the uses of iodometry?

The iodine value is the measure of the unsaturation of fats and oils. It is expressed as the number of grams of iodine absorbed by 100 g of the fat under the test conditions used.

What chemical substance you is used to detect the presences of starch?

An iodine solution is used.

Best ways to detect fingerprints?

Baking powder, baking soda, or iodine.

The technique used to detect corneal abrasions is?

Fluorescein staining