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Although I am not a doctor, I always thought that blood clots coming out of gums result from congested blood in the gums. I think if gums are massaged then blood will be circulated and extra congested blood will go away. Sees this should be a frequent task and not a one-time every once and while. Although I am not a doctor, I always thought that blood clots coming out of gums result from congested blood in the gums. I think if gums are massaged then blood will be circulated and extra congested blood will go away. Sees this should be a frequent task and not a one-time every once and while.

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Q: What is a blood clot on gums caused by?
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When you floss is there supposed to be blood on it?

No, but if you have sensitive gums it will bleed. Sensetive gums may be caused by lack of brushing or having dental treatment.

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