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Cholesterol can result in a grayish blue ring around the iris.

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Q: What is a cause of iris pigment discoloration?
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Use the word pigment in a sentence?

Tim had a pigment discoloration on his skin.

What is IRIS IPE?

Iris pigment epithelium is the layer of cells behind the iris.

Why colors are different to your eyes?

nColour of the iris is usually brown . nIt is because of the pigment melano cysts nThe blue colour of the iris is because of the less amount of melano cysts pigment nIncreasing amount of iris pigment produced green hazel and brown iris nRarely one iris can be different colour than the other iris. This is know as hetrochromia irides

Describe how the color of a person's eyes is determind?

This is determined by the positioning of pigmented cells in the iris of the eye. Blue eyes have the pigment at the back of the iris, dark eyed people have the pigment throughout the iris.

What is the color of the eye?

Melanin. Color is caused by the amount and type of pigment in the iris of the eye.

How do you know if a lamb is blind?

the pigment of the pupil and iris is faded

What gives the eye color?

Melanin. The amount and type of pigment in the iris of the eye causes the eyes color.

How is blue eyes formed?

Its due to the lack of pigment cells in the iris.

What causes eye color?

Pigment in the iris, the color of which is gentically detemined.

Why is the colored part of the eye called the iris colored?

The stroma of the eyes may have brown pigment which makes brown eyes. Blue and green eyes have no pigment so the color comes from reflections of the blood vessels.

What will darken eye pigment?

Some glaucoma medicines will darken the iris color.

Is eye color is determined by the level of brown pigment present?

yes (True) Although irises come in different colors (iris = rainbow), they contain only brown pigment. When they have a lot of pigment, the eyes appear brown or black. If the amount of pigment is small and restricted to the posterior surface of the iris, the unpigmented parts simply scatter the shorter wavelengths of light and the eyes appear blue, green, or gray. Most newborn babies' eyes are slate gray or blue because their iris pigment is not yet developed.