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It is called a Physical Change

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Q: What is a change in material that makes it into a new appearance?
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Can a physical change form a new material?

No, if a new material forms that would be a chemical change. Physical changes always remain with the same material you began with.

What is it called when an original material is transformed into a new material?

Chemical change :D

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Which change forms a new substance?

The change were new material is produce is called chemical change.

Does kira come back in Pretty Cure?

he makes a appearance towards the end of the season to help and a small appearance in the last episode with his new family

What makes a new substance?

a chemical change

How do you change your appearance overnight?

You can change your appearance overnight in a number of ways. You can do something different to your hair like cut it or color it. You can begin to wear makeup or stop wearing makeup or you can get new clothes.

When a change makes a new substance you say a - has taken place?

A chemical reaction makes a new substance.

Why is rusting metal a chemical change?

because new material is formed

How can you recognize physical and chemical changes?

A physical change is when a new substance is formed. It changes the appearance. A chemical change affects the composition.

Is an apple turning brown physical change?

It is both physical and chemical change as it changes its appearance , and it results in a new substance also

What do you call a change that makes new substances?
