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i don't know of any exact newspapers but if you had to do a paper you could name it the Colonial Gezette or something like that

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a newspaper in the colonial times

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Q: What are some names of colonial newspapers?
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What are some names of colonies?

i don't know of any exact newspapers but if you had to do a paper you could name it the Colonial Gezette or something like that

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Here is a link to a list of newspapers in Connecticut: list-of-newspapers-in-connecticut

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There are many newspapers published in India. Some names of Indian newspapers include the Bagdor News, the Dainik Data Sandesh, the Hindustan Express, and the Maiher Times.

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Some popular German newspapers in 1919 were Vossische Zeitung, Berliner Morgenpost, and Frankfurter Zeitung.

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The Graphic The London Agrregate or The Examiner ChaCha

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paul revere was a silversmith in colonial times. there we go tnheres one name